This is a powerful guard pass often seen at the highest levels of no-gi competition that leads straight into a devastating submission. Thanks to Matt Kirtley for submitting this technique. For more information, or to contact Matt, please visit Gracie Barra Clearwater – Stephan Kesting.
You’ve opened guard and gotten both arms under their legs.
Clasp your hands down by their hips and hug their legs.
Sit back and posture up, pulling their hips up on top of your thighs.
Sprawl, keeping their hips up in the air and their shoulders pinned.
Hold their hips up in the air with your left hand. This is much easier if you can grab a belt.
Your right hand grabs their opposite shoulder to help stack. Start passing to the right.
Grab their wrist with your right hand and pull it away from their body.
Step over the arm.
Sit on the arm, trapping it.
Let go off the arm and put your right arm on the far side of their body. Push their hips over their head so they roll to their knees.
One-on-one to secure the position. Their arm is in place for the reverse omoplata roll. Continue as usual.
Techniques by Eduardo and Matt on Grapplearts include: |