I was recently dragged through the waves, under the water and then lifted up into the air while trying to figure out the sport of kiteboarding, and figured out that there is one hell of a learning curve in that sport!
But many sports and activities worth doing have that same initial hump – a difficult learning curve that makes most people drop out.
Ultimately if it were easy to do then everyone would do it, so the key to doing uncommon things is to grit your teeth and break on through to the other side of those initial difficulties!
I talked about kiteboarding, BJJ and the steep learning curves of both in my podcast, which you should subscribe to if you haven’t already!
This podcast episode, along with all my others, are available on my Strenuous Life Podcast, which you can subscribe to with a few easy clicks! Choose your audio player below and click on it to open up The Strenuous Life Podcast and from there, you can click to subscribe, or simply search for this episode which is episode # 141.
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Alternately, you can click on the embedded audio player below to listen (however, you run the risk of missing future episodes by not subscribing – but if you’re a gambler then here you go!)
Good luck with your training, in whichever sport, art or endeavour you have chosen!
P.S. You can download my free app for learning BJJ as fast as possible at grapplearts.com/roadmap