The 50/50 is a leglock entanglement and guard position that’s pretty unavoidable in modern jiu-jitsu. With the gi it’s a powerful sweeping and backtaking position, and in no gi matches it leads to a TON of leglock submissions. The 50/50 is a seemingly symmetrical position where, superficially at least, it looks like both people have the same set of options. People mistakenly think of it … [Read more...]
A Simple Hack to Double Your Guard Passing Percentage
Let’s do a quick mental experiment. Think about your favourite guard pass; your go-to passing technique you use when you want to pass the guard of a tough opponent. Visualise the steps one by one. Now tell me, did you a) Pass to your left and end up on your opponent’s right side, or b) Pass to your right and end up on your opponent’s left side? If you’re like 70% of people, you … [Read more...]
Rob Biernacki Double Gold!
Rob Biernacki has been on a tear recently. In 2023 he's competed 4 times. In April, he got a Silver at the ADCC Open... in March, he won Gold at Grappling Industries... in June, he won Gold at the Portland Open... and just a few days ago, he won Double Gold at Grappling Industries! That last victory is particularly impressive because one of those gold medals was in the Masters Open division. … [Read more...]
Taking the Back from Half Guard Using the Kimura Grip
Learning the swinging Kimura backtake is important for at least two reasons... First, it's a legitimate way of defending side control and taking the back that sets up lots of other upper and lower body attacks as well. Secondly, it teaches you that the Kimura is a giant handle you can use to move your opponent around as well as move yourself around your opponent. This is especially important … [Read more...]
The SOS Position, The Rosetta Stone of the Omoplata
The omoplata is a very deep position. There are so many different entries, transitions, defences, escapes, and recounters; it can get a little overwhelming. To bring sense to a scramble it helps to recognize intermediary positions. Positions that repeatedly and reliably occur, often fleetingly, as people engage in what appears to be a chaotic series of transitions. For the omoplata one of … [Read more...]
A Quickstart Guide to the Omoplata in Jiu-Jitsu
This step-by-step guide is designed for you to quickly incorporate the omoplata into your game and build a solid foundation for more advanced omoplata techniques. The omoplata is an incredibly versatile technique in jiu-jitsu that serves as a submission, a sweep, and a setup for other sweeps and submissions. Fundamentally it uses your legs to force your opponent's arm behind his back into a … [Read more...]
How to Do the Shotgun Ankle Lock
Rob Biernacki wanted to show me something. It was an ankle lock variation that he'd recently successfully used to win a match at the ADCC Open. Now I've seen a lot of ankle locks in my day. I've even done highly specific training of the muscles on the front of my shin in order to better resist getting ankle locked. But NOTHING could prepare me for this. He applied the footlock, and … [Read more...]
BJJ Trigger Positions
A trigger position is an alignment of your body and your opponent’s body that immediately invites a specific technique, be it a sweep, submission or guard pass.. Once you're there, all you need to do is pull the metaphorical trigger and - BOOM - you're deep into the attack. This concept makes it easy for you to know when it's time to attack in jiu-jitsu. Knowing the Trigger Position for a … [Read more...]
How To Do The ‘Imanari Roll’
The Imanari roll is absolutely one of the coolest submission attacks out there. It's unorthodox, it's fancy, but unlike many other flashy moves it's it's also quite high percentage. If you do it correctly you get straight into the 411 leglock position, which is the most powerful leglocking position we have. So there's definitely a huge upside if you land it. This move has been used … [Read more...]
Three Critical Control Points You Must Have to Apply a Good Leglock
It's a terrible thing to do all that work to get into a good leglock position only to have your opponent find enough space to slip out and escape. Or worse, have him laugh at your submission attempt because it's not tight enough to cause him any concern. The key to a good leglock is having 3 points of control, namely, The three ingredients of every good leglock are Control of the hip, … [Read more...]
Wristlocks in BJJ; What Makes Them Work?
Wristlocks are submissions that bend the wrist by bending, flexing, extending or rotating the hand relative to the bones of the forearm. Some martial arts like aikido, hapkido, and traditional Japanese jujutsu specialise in wristlocks, making them a major part of their curriculum. Most of the common BJJ jointlocks target the elbow (e.g. straight armbars), shoulder (e.g. Kimura and … [Read more...]
The Step by Step Aoki Lock
The Aoki lock is an incredibly versatile submission that can instantly turn the tables in a match. You can apply it in situations where you have the dominant leglock position, but you can also use it as a counter when your opponent has the dominant position. Either way, it's a gamechanger! Here's a video from Cutting Edge Leglocks to break down the Aoki Lock for you, followed by a written … [Read more...]
A Masterclass on Finishing the Heel Hook from the 411 Position
Leglocks are incredibly devastating submissions, especially in a no gi grappling context. And the inside heel hook from the 411 position (aka the saddle, the cross ashi, and the honey hole) is one of the most powerful leglock attacks in no gi grappling. As this attack becomes more popular people are inevitably getting better at defending it. Right now the most common defence by far is to turn … [Read more...]
New Product – Cutting Edge Leglocks!
Leglocks have changed the grappling game forever, and leglock attacks have never been more effective! But this area of jiu-jitsu is evolving FAST. In the last 5 years, a TON of new techniques, tactics, strategies and counters have been developed. So most grapplers need a bit of help to keep up with the times and avoid being left behind. Help is on the way... In our BRAND NEW, JUST … [Read more...]
Rolling Back Take from 3/4 Mount
Rolling backtakes have become part of modern jiu-jitsu but are undeniably intimidating. To help you become comfortable with the idea of doing a somersault and ending up on someone's back, here's the simplest rolling backtake you can do. First, learn to identify the trigger position (which is 3/4 mount)... Then make sure his hands are on one side of your body... Then roll in line … [Read more...]
The Three Most Important Back Mount Escapes
Having someone on your back in back mount or rear mount is a terrible situation in jiu-jitsu, especially if he's doing a good job of controlling your upper body with an over-under seatbelt grip and your lower body with his hooks. The longer he stays on your back the longer you'll be vulnerable to submissions like the rear naked choke, the rear triangle choke, armlocks, spinal cranks and even … [Read more...]
How to do the Low Single for No Gi Grappling
The low single is a variation of the single leg takedown, which is one of the staple techniques of wrestling. Probably the most famous low single in history belonged to John Smith, who used this move to win multiple world championships and multiple Olympic gold medals. Not only is the low single is good for winning Olympic medals, it's also a great technique for submission … [Read more...]
Top 10 Wrestling Moves for BJJ
by Jeff Meszaros In many ways, wrestling and Brazilian jiu jitsu are total opposites. The core concepts of the two sports run against each other, and what's a great idea in one art is often a terrible idea in the other. In wrestling, you do anything you can to avoid having your back put on the mat. But in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, people will often fall to their backs immediately to "pull guard" … [Read more...]
Pressure Guard Passing with Fabio Gurgel
There's a reason why Fabio Gurgel has successfully coached over fifty Black Belt World Champions and is a 4 time BJJ world champion himself! He's an amazing teacher, able to simplify complicated techniques so that they work for everyone... Fabio's top pressure is unbelievable. No matter if it's the closed guard, spider guard, butterfly guard, half guard, or some type of newfangled … [Read more...]
Fake Low, Go High; How to Use Level Change Fakes to Set Up Takedowns and Submissions
There's a universal combative principle known as 'fake east, go west.' This idea has been valid since forever. It has been used effectively in small-scale fights between individuals and also at the grand strategic level in huge wars. That's because it only always works. The idea is to distract your opponent by doing one thing over here and then hit them hard somewhere else. One … [Read more...]