I am very happy to announce that my once-training-partner Denis Kang has advanced further in the Pride ‘Survival’ Middleweight tournament! To move to the semi-finals he decisively took out Amar Suloev, no mean feat given that Suloev had dispatched veteran BJJ fighter Murilo Bustamante in the first round of the tournament.
Once again, my BJJ coach Marcus Soares was in Denis’ corner. After I saw the unorthodox one-armed rear naked choke that finished the fight I teased Marcus about showing Denis “secret techniques” that he wasn’t sharing with the rest of us.
Marcus laughed and said “it’s no secret; first you break the guy’s nose and make him bleed a lot, then you can do that choke”.
Oh well, I was looking for a new secret techniques. I guess I’ll just have to accept that it’s yet another example of the awesome power of a vicious ground and pound attack.
So to close out I’ll leave you with a little video I shot with Denis where he explains exactly how to ground and pound someone in an MMA context
Click here to see the same Ground and Pound video on YouTube!