Here, with permission from Eddie ‘Twister’ Bravo, the man who submitted Royler Gracie with a triangle choke at Abu Dhabi 2003, is a step, by step breakdown of one of his rubberguard setups.
Step One: Hold the opponent’s head down as tight as possible with your left arm
Step Two: Shift your hips to the side, putting your left foot on your opponents right hip.
Step Three: As fast as possible, pull your left leg up with your right arm.
Step Four: Hold your opponents head down with your left leg and left arm, hooking his left armpit with your left hand tightly.
Step Five: Control your opponent’s left wrist with your right hand and slide your right knee up.
Step Six: Clear your right foot around your opponent’s left arm.
Step Seven: Grab a hold of your right ankle and begin to pull it across.
Step Eight: Pull your right ankle across your opponent’s back for the triangle choke.
Step Nine: Pull your foot to tighten the triangle choke.
Step Ten: Don’t worry about where your opponent’s right arm is, just pull the head down as tight as possible. He WILL tap.