Today I talk with pro-wrestler Tad Lincoln Murphy about catch wrestling in early American circuses, the development of luta livre in Brazil, Shootwrestling in Japan, and how one trains to becomes a pro wrestler in the first place!
00:53 – Training in wrestling
06:01 – Pro wrestling school
09:40 – Distinction between fake and real in pro- wrestling
13:00 – Catch and shoot wrestling
23:59 – How catch wrestling came to America
37:53 – Circus wrestling in Brazil
52:33 – Origins of Brazilian Luta Livre
1:01:38 – Training BJJ in Brazil
1:06:50 – Lessons from pro wrestling for life and work
Follow Tad the wrestler on Instagram at @tadwrestler or in his customer success career at @lincolnmurphy
You can listen to the audio-only version of this conversation as episode 303 of The Strenuous Life Podcast (my podcast) on any of the podcasting platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, etc.
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Thank you very much,
Stephan Kesting