The over-under guard pass is one of the classic pressure passes in BJJ.
In it you absolutely kill your opponent’s hips by coming over one of his legs and under his other leg with your arms.
Then you spike your shoulder into your opponent’s belly which pins his lower body the floor and puts a tremendous amount of weight onto him and makes it hard for him to breathe.
This pass has changed over the years though.
In this video from The Pressure Passing System 6th degree black belt Fabio Gurgel shows how the over-under pass was created as a natural combination of the stack pass and the torreando pass, and then how it has continued to change to adapt to new ways of countering this position.
Check it out…
Click here if you want more information about The Pressure Passing System featuring 6th degree black belt Fabio Gurgel.
This style of passing is great for older guys who don’t have the energy to run around their opponent all the time.
Pressure passing is used at the highest levels of competition, which is part of the reason that this was a runaway bestseller on…