I love the X Guard. It’s such a high-percentage position.
First of all, it can be applied from a huge number of open guard and half guard situations. If you’ve ever watched an X Guard specialist you’ll know that he needs just a tiny bit of room to insert those hooks and – BOOM – he’s slithered into the X Guard.
And once an opponent is caught in the X Guard he’s going down! In fact, by the time the X Guard is applied most of the hard work is already done and the sweep is now already 80% finished.If you’re new to the X Guard then the following video by Emily Kwok and myself might be a good place to start.
And if you’re already using the X Guard on a regular basis then you might still be able to pick up a couple of new nuances and details from the video below – I know I did!
The above video clip is a short excerpt from the No Gi Sweeps and Submissions volume in the How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent in No Gi instructional set. It is available both as a series of mobile apps and as a 5 DVD set.