Over the last few years there has been an explosion of great blogs devoted to jiu-jitsu, submission grappling and MMA…
Now obviously these things change all the time, and any list is bound to be incomplete. Nevertheless I thought I’d share some of my favorite blogs-de-jour with you today in this list:
- Aesopian.com
- Antoheri’s Jiu-Jitsu Wonderland
- BJJ Visionquest
- Community Jiu-jitsu
- Felicia Oh.com
- Fight Opinion
- Grapplemonkey MMA Commentary
- It’s Not Ballet (Andreh Anderson)
- Slideyfoot
- Smashpass
- Tangled Triangle
- Whaledog MMA Blog
- Zhoozhitzu do Graugardo
There is a TON of good reading and information in the above blogs. If you think that I’ve missed any good grappling-related blogs please let me know!