If you’re really serious about improving a particular position in your grappling arsenal then you’ll seek out any and all resources that deal with the topic.
The half guard is a position with a LOT of depth and MANY offensive options. Here are some of my favorite articles, videos and resources on Grapplearts.com that will help you develop a mobile, attacking half guard:
- The Evolution of the Half Guard
- An Attack Series from the Half Guard
- Counter to the Crossface in Half Guard
- 17 Tips for an Active Bottom Half Guard
- Leg Position Drill Video
- Finishing the Kimura from Half Guard Video
- Finishing the Half Guard Backclimb Video
- The Two-Pronged Half Guard
- Half Guard Sweep From Standing
- Information about the Dynamic Half Guard DVD
There’s quite a lot of information for you in these links. In the words of Bruce Lee, “absorb what is useful and discard the rest.”