In this episode of The Strenuous Life Podcast I sat down with Ken Johnson, retired Battalion Chief of Training, to talk shop. We covered,
- Managing emergency scenes,
- Staying calm under pressure,
- Training for boxing and making sure that you’re always in shape,
- Recent breakthroughs in firefighting tactics,
- How to do your best in difficult situations,
- The critical importance of your team,
- The fun side of firefighting,
- Whether someone should become a firefighter or not,
- How to increase the chances of getting signed on,
- Plus we talked ironworking, boxing, and a lot more.
There’s a lot here for everyone, including non-firefighters, because many of the principles and ideas shared by Chief Johnson are universal.
Find out more about Chief Johnson on his Career Firefighter site where he helps aspiring firefighters get hired and do their best at their new jobs.
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Let me know what you think about this interview on Twitter, Facebook or in the comments below, OK?