Stephan Kesting and Grapplearts are committed to preserving your trust and confidence. Your privacy is important, thus we are disclosing our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website below.
An IP address consists of four numbers separated by periods. It uniquely identifies your computer or device on the Internet. We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer our website, and to prevent piracy for certain of our products.
A cookie’ is a tiny piece of information stored by your Internet browser software on your computer’s hard drive. Surfing the modern internet would be much more difficult without the use of cookies: for example cookies are used to connect to secure websites with your unique user name and password (so you don’t need to re-enter your data every time), to buy items in an online store, and to and password-protected areas of websites. Although we do not use all the following features, cookies are also used to keep track of the reader’s time on a site, to analyse traffic patterns, provide improved content, advertisements, products and services. They help us to refine and enhance the visitor registration process and add personalization features to customize the site to your needs. Cookies also allow sites and companies recommending the products and services of other companies to track sales resulting from those endorsements and receive remuneration for some of those endorsements and advertising.
One major service Grapplearts provides to its users is the Grappling Tips Newsletter. When you register for this service we collect your email address and possibly your first name as well. We use this information to send out both our content-based and our more promotionally-oriented emails. We also use the information to tell you about our company, send out promotional material such as contests, questionnaires and surveys, as well as promotional material from some of our partners. You may opt-out of all future mailings by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link included at the bottom of every single email sent out by our system, which is further explained in the “Updating and Removal of Data” section below.
As a subscriber to the Beginning BJJ Newsletter or the Grappling Tips Newsletter, you may receive information about third party products. These offers are paid advertisements and/or endorsements of products provided by our external partners or external advertisers, often on an ‘affiliate’ basis wherein remuneration is received as a percentage of revenue received from products sold. Although we make every effort to verify the legitimacy of these advertisers if you click on these offers you will be proceeding under the terms of that third party advertiser’s privacy policy. Stephan Kesting and makes no guarantee or warranty about what is advertised.
LINKS TO OUTSIDE WEBSITES contains links to other sites outside of our network. We are not responsible for the content or privacy policies/practices of such websites.
SECURITY AND CUSTOMER ORDER INFORMATION uses secure customer order forms (see belowl) when you purchase a product and/or services. Contact information from that order form is used to send orders, communicate information and – from time to time – send promotional material from our company. Obviously we also collect financial information that is collected is used to bill you for products sent out and services ordered. The security and privacy of your financial and personal information is of paramount concern to us. When you place orders on this site, your data is transmitted using SSL, or encrypted Secure Sockets Layer, technology. Furthermore, we use industry standard security mechanisms and procedures to protect data from loss, misuse, and/or unauthorized access. However no security is 100% effective and we cannot promise – and you should not expect – that your information will remain secure in all circumstances.
We share the information that you provide to us in the following circumstances:
- Service Providers. From time to time we may share information with companies and individuals who provide consulting, administration, marketing and other services for us. These services may include fulfillment and distribution centers, mailing houses, event providers, and customer support companies.
- Affiliates. From time to time we may share information with our affiliated companies (known as our ‘affiliates’). Such information may be used by our affiliates to promote their products and services to you.
- Third Parties. From time to time we may share your contact information with third parties so that they may promote their products and services to you.
- Law Enforcement. If required by law we may cooperate with reasonable requests from law enforcement agencies for information about you. We reserve the right to report any activities that we reasonably believe to be unlawful, or that we reasonably believe may aid a law enforcement investigation into unlawful activity, to law enforcement agencies. We also reserve the right to release your information to law enforcement agencies if we determine, in our sole judgment, that you have violated our policies, or the release of your information may protect our, your, or another person’s rights, property or safety.
- Other Persons As Permitted by Law. We may share your information with others as required by, or permitted by, law. This may include sharing your information with governmental entities, or third parties in response to subpoenas, court orders, other legal process, or as we believe is necessary to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims that have been brought against us, or possible legal claims that we determine in our sole discretion might be brought against us.
- Transfers. In the event that all, or substantially all of our assets, are acquired, your information will be transferred to the acquiring company.
If we are legally required to let you know about a security incident we will notify you by email, in writing, or by phone at our discretion.
You can remove your name and email from our email marketing lists at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of every single email that our system sends out. Please read the information in this area very carefully so that you do not accidentally stop receiving materials that you actually do want to receive. You can also send a request by mail to the following postal address: website, 28571 – 4367 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6J4, Canada
If you have any questions about this statement, the practices of this website, or your dealings with this website, you can use our online contact form, or write: website
28571 – 4367 Hastings Street
Burnaby BC V5C 6J4
We reserve the right to change, clarify, modify, or amend this policy at any time, which will take place by posting a revised version of this privacy policy on our website.