BJJ is a great sport but ultimately – and even more important – it’s also a martial art. And the core of every martial art has to be about combat; the fitness, discipline, camaraderie and fun is great, but they’re all bonuses.
It’s fantastic to have an awesome spinning triangle from spider guard, but you ALSO need to understand how to use your art in the streets, which might include knowing at least a little bit about weapons, punching, kicking, takedowns, and the psychology of self defense.
To that end I recently did a Q&A on Facebook Live focussing on self defense…
We covered lots of things including weapons, eye gouging, pre-emptive attacks, and a situation I was in recently where I was legitimately worried about ending up in a Mexican prison and my children getting sent to a Mexican orphanage (more about that at 43:39 in the video below).
The entire video is here, and if you scroll down you can see a list of the questions I did my best to answer. That way if you’re interested in a particular topic you can quickly skim the topics and then skip ahead to it…
Here’s what (and when) we covered during the live Q&A…
00:05 – Can You Grapple with Multiple Opponents?
04:40 – Best First Takedown for Non Wrestlers
07:17 – Any Upcoming Self Defense Instructionals?
08:24 – Guard Passing vs a Strong Opponent
10:54 – Do Wristlocks and Anklelocks Really Work in Self Defense?
14:30 – Double Leg Takedowns on Pavement
15:05 – Do You Advocate Striking in Self Defense?
20:00 – Biting and Eye Gouging vs a Skilled Grappler
23:00 – Self Defense vs Sport BJJ
27:35 – Grapplearts Silver Dragon Shirts
28:00 – Are All Self Defense Oriented BJJ Schools Equal?
29:50 – Rolling with Slaps and Punches
30:52 – Sizing Up a Potential Attacker in the Street
34:26 – What Percentage Do You Roll Gi vs No Gi?
36:00 – Standup vs Grappling vs Weapons Training
43:39 – Mexican Jails and the Legal Consequences of Self Defense
46:00 – Should You Strike First in an Inevitable Fight?
46:53 – Any Judo Apps Coming Up?
47:30 – Self Defense Advice for Senior Citizens
53:30 – Getting Threatened with Family Members Present
58:45 – Hoodie and T Shirt Chokes
59:36 – What Should You Yell if Attacked?
1:01:19 – Wrapup
In addition to watching this video, if you’re interested in the topic of self defense then I have a couple of additional suggestions for you…
FIRST go to my new Self Defense Tutorials Youtube channel and subscribe – that’s where I’ll be posting a lot more self defense stuff at regular intervals.
(Don’t worry; the jiu-jitsu and grappling stuff will continue on the regular Grapplearts channel. I’m definitely not getting rid of that or phasing it out.)
SECOND I’m going to be sending out my best self defense tips by email. (Again, this is a separate thing from the BJJ-related emails that I currently send out from Grapplearts.)
If you want to get these self defense tips, techniques and training methods (and download my collection of self defense books as PDFs for free) then go here and enter your email. If you don’t like what you get then you can unsubscribe from those emails with a single click at any time.
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