After 4 years of writing my book, Perseverance, Life and Death in the Subarctic is now available for pre-order. This is an adventure story about my 1,000-mile solo trip from the boreal forest to the windswept tundra of the Arctic after a life-saving kidney transplant. Bears, forest fires, rapids, storms... it all happened on that trip. Early reviewers have been unanimous in their praise … [Read more...]
Grapplearts DVDs
Don’t be that Peaked-in-High-School Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner
I don’t think we can deny that jiu-jitsu is evolving really fast. Whether it’s the false reap, the buggy choke, the Aoki lock, the berimbolo, the roadhouse choke, or the upside-down-inside-out-caterpillar guard, new techniques and strategies are popping up all the time. Even if you don’t want (or can’t) learn the berimbolo (or whatever) shouldn’t you at least know how to counter it? So … [Read more...]
A Training Plan to Improve Your Jiu-Jitsu Skills
This is BIG! I’ve been studying Jiu-Jitsu since the late 1980’s and have trained at many different schools and with hundreds of different instructors. Recently I've been working on a new instructional with BJJ black belt Cal MacDonald, and I'm just SO impressed with what he's put together. His 8-volume instructional called BJJ Foundations covers the exact techniques and movements that … [Read more...]
About That Leglock-Shaped Hole in Your Game
There was a time when you could be good at jiu-jitsu and not know anything about leglocks. (I miss this era because knowing a few leglocks back then made it relatively easy to ambush and tap out even high-level black belts.) But now jiu-jitsu has changed. Everyone and their dog is busy ankle locking and heel hooking and kneebarring and toeholding. I'd go so far as to say that if you … [Read more...]
The BJJ Games Instructional is now LIVE!
It's one thing to learn techniques in class. It's quite another to actually pull them off in sparring or in competition. The key to performing to your full capacity is internalising the timing and strategies behind the techniques. And the best way to do that is through games and play. The brand new BJJ Games instructional by Grapplearts will make your techniques fast, smooth, and … [Read more...]
What Is the New Instructional – Rolling Backtakes for Everyone – All About?
I've just released a brand new instructional called Rolling Backtakes for Everyone! Rolling backtakes are a group of techniques that teleport you directly to your opponent's back, the most dominant position in jiu-jitsu. More black belt submissions in competition happen from the back than any other position, which is why events like EBI, WNO, ADCC and Quintet are full of the pros hitting … [Read more...]
Inbound Soon – Improvements To Cutting Edge Leglocks
I spent the day with Rob Biernacki filming an insanely painful update to the leglock meta. The new and completely legal breaking mechanics will make the straight ankle lock as powerful as the heel hook, which is a terrifying thought. And yes, Rob celebrated with his now traditional post-filming gelato. In short, we're going to be covering a new breaking mechanism, which is to say, a brand new … [Read more...]
New Product – Cutting Edge Leglocks!
Leglocks have changed the grappling game forever, and leglock attacks have never been more effective! But this area of jiu-jitsu is evolving FAST. In the last 5 years, a TON of new techniques, tactics, strategies and counters have been developed. So most grapplers need a bit of help to keep up with the times and avoid being left behind. Help is on the way... In our BRAND NEW, JUST … [Read more...]
Pressure Guard Passing with Fabio Gurgel
There's a reason why Fabio Gurgel has successfully coached over fifty Black Belt World Champions and is a 4 time BJJ world champion himself! He's an amazing teacher, able to simplify complicated techniques so that they work for everyone... Fabio's top pressure is unbelievable. No matter if it's the closed guard, spider guard, butterfly guard, half guard, or some type of newfangled … [Read more...]
The Single Leg X Guard – A Surprising Way to Pull Guard…
Should you pull guard in competition? And if you decide to pull guard, then how do you do it correctly? In a certain sense, I am uniquely unqualified to answer these questions... You see, much of my BJJ comes from 8th degree black belt Marcus Soares, and Marcus is very much from the old-school Carlson Gracie way of doing things. The Carlson approach to jiu-jitsu is definitely focused on … [Read more...]
What’s in Guard Passing for Old F***s
BJJ for Old F***s, the Passing Game is dedicated to giving older grapplers the techniques, strategies, and training methods they need to pass the guard of any opponent and stay effective on the mats. In this instructional you'll first get the critical concepts for passing the guard as an older guy so that you can smash those younger players while staying safe. Then you'll get 5 complete … [Read more...]
The 20 Year History of the Omoplata 2.0 Instructional
I was first exposed to something resembling the omoplata when learning a martial art known as Indonesian Silat from Dan Inosanto. A move where you use your leg to bend your opponent's arm behind his back is often used in Silat as a finishing move after taking someone to the ground. It turned out that this move (with slight modifications) also worked in the jiu-jitsu and judo training that I … [Read more...]
New Release: The Closed Guard System with Jon Thomas!!
So I just released a BRAND NEW instructional featuring renowned BJJ black belt instructor Jon Thomas! It's called 'The Closed Guard System' and it's your no-nonsense guide to really making the closed guard work for you. Check out the trailer for the instructional right here... The closed guard is an old school position that's still totally relevant today, especially if you lack the … [Read more...]
The Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula, Now in App Format!
Today the best-selling Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula is now available on your phone through the Grapplearts BJJ Master App. The Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula covers two of the most important (but least taught) aspects of jiu-jitsu that'll syrocket your ability to sweep and submit people from the guard!… Gripfighting, which determines who can be on offense in the guard, and … [Read more...]
The Open Guard System In App Form
I recently released the The Open Guard System with Jon Thomas. And today it's available in app format for your phone!! The open guard is the most complicated position in BJJ, so this best-selling instructional is designed to completely overhaul and vastly improve your open guard. This instructional gives you a step-by-step plan to dominate your opponent sweeps and submissions while keeping … [Read more...]
New Release: The Open Guard System featuring Jon Thomas!!
As of a few minutes ago The Open Guard System featuring Jon Thomas is now available! The whole idea of this instructional is to give you a connected set of plug-and-play systems for the open guard so that you'll always know how to stay safe, advance your position, and then sweep and submit your opponent. Systems are much more powerful than individual techniques because they link techniques … [Read more...]
Five Tips for Training During Coronavirus Lockdown
As I write this most clubs, dojos and training groups all over the world have shut down for a very noble cause; to flatten the coronavirus curve By shutting things down we're slowing (not stopping) community transmission of this virus, which in turn prevents the medical system from being overrun all at once and allows the system to manufacture and stockpile masks and other personal protective … [Read more...]
Not Training Right Now? 50% Off All Instructionals
So everyone's all cooped up and it sucks. We want to train but we can't. Thank you Covid-19 :( But by staying inside, by not mingling freely, we're literally saving lives (including those of the nurses and doctors all across your country who could soon be dealing with New York style numbers soon). To help people with their quarantine I've recently given away more than 10,000 instructionals … [Read more...]
Stephan Kesting and Grapplearts Free Instructional Giveaway
Hey guys, I'm super-concerned about the coronavirus AND the effect of the coronavirus on the art of BJJ. There's just no better way to transmit this friggin virus that rolling around on the ground with other people, so we have to stop training and quarantine for a while. View this post on Instagram THANK YOU to everyone who had taken a leadership position in this crisis and … [Read more...]
No Gi Leglocks in App Format for Apple and Android
BRAND NEW INSTRUCTIONAL!! People have been asking me if they can get the bestseller instructional No Gi Leglocks with Oliver Taza in app form, and the answer is now YES! In No Gi Leglocks Oliver Taza shares the innermost details of his leglocking system honed sparring the monsters of the Danaher Death Squad and competing against the best grapplers in the world. I worked with him one-on-one … [Read more...]