A friend recently complained that his training partners were forever just "running around" his guard. We got onto the mat and figured out that this wasn't the whole story. It turned out that his opponents were first pinning both his feet to the floor and then running around his guard, essentially a variation of the toreando pass. There are late stage defenses to the toreando, but - as … [Read more...]
Gold Medal Judo Techniques that Work in BJJ
I've previously written about why you probably shouldn’t use the top-scoring judo throw - Seio Otoshi - in your BJJ practice. (To recap, this throw requires a TON of reps, potentially exposes you to back takes, is gi-dependent, and there’s a high chance you'll roll over your opponent to end up on the bottom.) But don't throw the Judo baby out with the bathwater!! There IS a heck of a lot … [Read more...]
The Most Annoying Grip in BJJ
When I was a bluebelt in the late 90's we had a visitor to class. This guy was a purple belt, trained at a well-known school in California, and had a very tricky game. One day I was in his spider guard and he caught me in a grip I had never seen before. All of a sudden, I had no use of my left hand. Then he secured the same grip on my right sleeve, and now I had no hands left to grip him … [Read more...]
Controlling and Submitting from The Crucifix Position in Jiu-Jitsu
Being on someone's back in rear mount is incredibly dominant position, but I think there's a good argument to be made that having him in the crucifix is even better. You see, finishing a skilled opponent from the back is much easier if you trap one of their arms with your legs so that they only have one hand left to fight the choke. But in the crucifix you're using four limbs - both your … [Read more...]
Four Lapel-Based Attacks from Side Control
If you train BJJ, knowing some tricks with the lapels to attack your opponent can be very useful, so don't disregard the advantages the gi offers you. Some people don't like training with the gi. I have no problem with that if your only focus is no-gi competition; if that's you, then by all means, train specifically for your sport. But if self-defense is important to you, then you should … [Read more...]
The Four Simplest Armdrags for BJJ and Submission Grappling
The armdrag is one of the most important attacks in BJJ and submission grappling. Not only does hitting the armdrag give you a route to your opponent's back, it's also a great probing attack that sets up a whole host of other techniques. The armdrag can be performed in both gi-based BJJ and no gi submission grappling. It was popularised in BJJ when Marcelo Garcia burst onto the scene in 2003, … [Read more...]
3 Easy Throws for BJJ
People often ask me what the easiest throws or takedowns are for BJJ competition. My usual advice is that takedowns are great. They bring the fight to your opponent, score 2 points, set you up to pass the guard, and allow you to fight from the top. All of which are good things. Now I love wrestling and judo, and think that takedowns are essential skills, but training them to a high level … [Read more...]
Deliberate Guard Passing Practice
If you're on top in the guard during sparring you've got a very important choice to make... Are you going to Fight him tooth and nail to get to a passing position, or Concede the engagement phase and let him have his guard of choice Both are valid options, but this is a choice you should make deliberately. Let's go through this in a little more detail... Option 1: Fight to Get to a … [Read more...]
How to Add Judo Takedowns to Your BJJ Game, with Chris Round
Chris Round is a Judo black belt under Jimmy Pedro. In this episode we talk about How to add Judo throws to your BJJ arsenal, Old school vs new school Judo training methods, Kosen Judo which focuses very heavily on groundwork, The critical importance of gripfighting and how to develop it, Leg grabs, belt grabs, crazy Eastern European throws, And more! To consume this … [Read more...]
A Simple Counter When Your Opponent Controls Your Pant Legs
Nothing good happens if you let your opponent control your pant legs in jiu-jitsu. Once he has those grips he can start his guard passing sequences with torreando passes, leg drags, stack passes and more. Here's how to use the cross lapel grip to shut that nonsense down before it begins! There's a cheat code that allows most people to jump up a full belt level almost overnight. You … [Read more...]
Why Older, Slower, Stiff, and Broken Grapplers Should Use the Butterfly Guard Against Standing Opponents
If you're an older grappler playing guard against a standing opponent then you should start in the seated or butterfly guard rather than starting flat on your back. Sitting up will give you the best chance of getting your grips and setting up your preferred guard of choice. If you lie down into a recumbent guard (i.e. with your back flat on the floor) then you're essentially conceding the … [Read more...]
How to Build a Closed Guard System
Too many people end up in closed guard and try singular attacks. Armbar attack! Damn, that didn't work. Sweep attack!! Damn, that didn't work either. Take the back!!!! My opponent shut that down too... what am I doing wrong? The thing is that singular attacks (or, even worse, waiting for your opponent to make a mistake) might work at white belt level, but this sort of strategy just … [Read more...]
The Engagement Phase Game, A Drill to Take Your Gripfighting to the Next Level!
I've written a LOT about gripfighting on my blog, and that's because I really do believe it's one of the highest leverage skills in BJJ. That means a little bit of gripfighting knowledge can have a huge influence on your actual mat skills. For example, if you're going against a bigger, stronger opponent then one of the most important things you can do is control the grips. Now controlling … [Read more...]
How to Counter the Toreando Guard Pass
So there you are, on your back and fighting your opponent with your legs. Maybe you're using the Spider Guard, the Butterfly Guard, or any other variation of Open Guard, but regardless, both you and he are jockeying for grips and position. You’re trying to set up your guard sweeps and submissions, and he’s trying to pass your guard. Then - disaster! Your opponent grips both your pant … [Read more...]
One Breath, One Attack; A Heuristic for Guard Domination
There's a BJJ black belt strategy for the guard that anyone can use... This approach keeps your opponent in danger of getting swept or submitted and makes it hard for him to even think about passing your guard. It's really simple. Ready? Here it is... "One breath, one attack!" This strategy means that you continously try to improve your position, at least one time every time you … [Read more...]
The Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula, Now in App Format!
Today the best-selling Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula is now available on your phone through the Grapplearts BJJ Master App. The Gripfighting and Kuzushi Formula covers two of the most important (but least taught) aspects of jiu-jitsu that'll syrocket your ability to sweep and submit people from the guard!… Gripfighting, which determines who can be on offense in the guard, and … [Read more...]
No Gi Gripfighting Sequence
Let's talk about a plan and a sequence to get a good grip in no gi grappling, rather than just conceding the initial grip (which you should never do). The importance of having a plan in combat has been emphasised so many times in so many different ways. Consider some of these pithy sayings... 'Plan beats no plan every time", and "Fail to plan, plan to fail", and "Proper planning and … [Read more...]
What is Kuzushi in BJJ and What Can It Do For You?
Let's talk about Kuzushi in BJJ, and why it's a critical skill to develop if you want to have good guard sweeps, submissions and backclimbs. When you learn a technique from the guard like a new sweep it usually works great at first. You'll be sweeping your training partners all over the place with your shiny new toy. But then your training partners stop making whatever mistake they were … [Read more...]
Don’t Concede the Initial Grip!!
When people are playing from the guard it's WAY too common that they just let their opponents get whatever grip they want. Once they've given the other guy the grips they're now on the defensive and have to fight out of whatever passing position they end up in. That's why the first thing you should do when you end up in the guard is to gripfight like crazy. Whoever dominates the grips is … [Read more...]
The Ranges of Butterfly Guard
Today I want to talk about the importance of range in guard, and then the range micro-battles that occur within a specific style of guard. Let's get started... Ranges Within Guard If you're trying to become a well rounded guard player then it's important to realise that you're going to use different guards at different ranges. For example you might use a foot-on-the-hips spider guard at … [Read more...]