If someone is pinning you effectively then they probably have pretty good control over both sides of your body. This can make escape very difficult. Your escapes are made much easier if you off-balance your opponent before escaping, which is an application of kuzushi. If your opponent is off-balance, then he'll be focused on getting back into good position instead of submitting you, and also … [Read more...]
Armbars Don’t Work and the Great Scambar Conspiracy
This is a special report by the inventor of the armbar and the founder of the Armbar Freedom Coalition who have liberated The Strenuous Life Podcast from science shill and former biologist Stephan Kesting for episode 356. Listen or watch to find out why armbars are a scam and how learning armbar defense is actually the VERY WORST thing you can do. Don't live in fear of a technique that … [Read more...]
BREAKING NEWS: Rare German Jiu-Jitsu Footage Discovered, Changes Martial Arts Forever
In the extensive Grapplearts video vaults I recently discovered rare archival footage of an incredibly deadly martial art that I had somehow missed... This savage system of self defense is called 'German Jiu-Jitsu' and as the GermanJiujitsu.com website so clearly and succinctly states, it is clearly clearly much better than all other kinds of jiu-jitsu. Watch the video below and tell me if … [Read more...]
Hitler on the Worm Guard
This is one of my favourite BJJ humour videos of all time: Hitler reacting to Keenan Cornelius's Worm Guard! Check it out below. And if you're in the dark about this position check out my post on the worm guard (and passing the worm guard) here. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4zksDUDieA[/youtube] … [Read more...]
Top Secret Sentry Removal Technique
If you're new to the martial arts then you might not get the humour of this, but believe me, there are many jackasses out there with their own versions of this information. The difference is that their tongues aren't firmly planted in the side of their cheeks. Anyway, this particular technique was far too deadly to put into Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu - putting such information into the wrong hands … [Read more...]
The Two WORST Martial Arts Techniques of All Time!
Disclaimer: I've trained with some great teachers, getting tons of top-notch information from them. But my teachers are NOT AT ALL RESPONSIBLE for today's video! You see, I've just posted a video about the two absolute WORST techniques that I've ever seen in almost 30 years of martial arts training! … [Read more...]