Most BJJ practitioners know about bridging and shrimping. But I bet not one in twenty knows about bridging and then turning into an inverted tripod position. That's too bad because this movement is the basis of my most successful mount escape, hands down. That inversion allows you to build extra height, break your opponent's contact with the ground, and then scoop under him to regain your … [Read more...]
Solo Drills
How to Do the Half Granby Roll in BJJ (and Other Critical Guard Retention Movements)
The half granby movement is super important for guard retention in BJJ. However, it can be intimidating to learn, so here's how to drill it against a wall in the privacy of your own home or on the mat before class. 0:00 How to do the half granby movement 0:58 How to drill the high leg movement 2:08 How to learn the full inversion on the wall … [Read more...]
The Four Variations of the BJJ Technical Standup
The technical standup is an absolutely essential movement in BJJ. It's used to get back to your feet in self defense and MMA, but also for finishing guard sweeps, defending against guard sweeps, guard retention, and a thousand other applications. Brandon 'Wolverine' Mullins, a BJJ black belt world champion, breaks the technical standup into four different variations... The Full Technical … [Read more...]
Covid-Safe Jiu-Jitsu Teaching with Dan ‘TrumpetDan’ Lukeheart
In this episode of The Strenuous Life Podcast I chat with Dan "TrumpetDan" Lukeheart from Brea Jiu-Jitsu in Orange County about The steps he's taken to keep his school open in a responsible manner during the Covid-19 pandemic, How to improve your BJJ skills during a training layoffs Match strategy to win more often tournaments, And much more... Here's the video of my conversation … [Read more...]
Guidelines for Opening Up Jiu-Jitsu Academies During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Last Updated Sept 10, 2020)
Everyone is itching to train again, and for many jiu-jitsu school owners opening up is a matter of financial survival. But just to make things even more complicated, as we learn more about this virus it means that the science, policy and best practice need to keep on evolving That's why I talked to Dr Chris Moriarty who has published a 6 phase process for reopening schools and getting back … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Guide To BJJ Solo Drills
by Ritchie Yip The ultimate guide to BJJ solo drills is a quick reference to exercises you can do on your own to help you with your Jiu Jitsu. The guide was designed for the absolute BJJ beginner in mind. However, even advanced practitioners may see drills in this guide that they haven't seen before or perhaps they've forgotten about. BJJ Solo Drills: Guard and Bottom Position The first … [Read more...]
9 BJJ Solo Drills You Can Do With a Heavy Bag
There are some essential BJJ gross motor movements that need to be trained over and over until they're smooth and instinctive. Most of the time we train these transitions on our training partners, either in drilling or as part of sparring. But some of the most important movements can actually be trained on your own - before class, after class, or at home - using a heavy punching bag. Here … [Read more...]
Five Tips for Training During Coronavirus Lockdown
As I write this most clubs, dojos and training groups all over the world have shut down for a very noble cause; to flatten the coronavirus curve By shutting things down we're slowing (not stopping) community transmission of this virus, which in turn prevents the medical system from being overrun all at once and allows the system to manufacture and stockpile masks and other personal protective … [Read more...]
A Primer for Inversions in BJJ
Inversions and going upside down have become part of mainstream jiu-jitsu. There are now many techniques where you flip upside down temporarily to achieve your defensive or offensive goals Now can you train BJJ without ever inverting? Absolutely! But can you compete at a high level without inverting? Probably not. I think it's safe to say that every high level competitive blackbelt today … [Read more...]
17 BJJ Drills You Can Do At Home By Yourself
Let's face it... BJJ requires you to become adept at using many highly specialised movements that you hardly ever use in the rest of your life. The more smooth and instinctive these movements become then the better you'll be able to flow on the mats. Drilling is the secret sauce when it comes to internalising unfamiliar motions, but it can be hard to get to the dojo as often as you would like … [Read more...]
The ‘Head Mount’ – A Secret Position to Pin a Squirmy Opponent Flat on his Back
Don't you hate those super-squirmy guys? Even if you pass their guards they just shimmy their flexible gumby legs around and you're right back in guard where you started from. Here's one of my biggest tips on how how to shut down their game and pin them to the floor like a butterfly on a lepidopterist's museum display board! The central concept is to pike up and use what I call the ‘Head … [Read more...]
A Guard Passing Drill You Can Do At Home on a Heavy Bag
It's hard when you want to train but there aren't any bodies handy right at that moment. Here's how you can drill a guard pass called the kickpass (aka X pass) by yourself. This is a standing guard pass where you force your way into a loose half guard position and then use a dynamic backwards swinging kick to free your leg and come forward directly into a dominant position like knee … [Read more...]
How to Drill Your BJJ Guard Passing on a Heavy Bag
You can use a heavy bag to drill your BJJ movements! In this video you'll learn how to perfect the footwork for a powerful guard pass used all the time in high level competition... While I've got you here, click here to grab my free guide to learning BJJ fast. It's completely free and has already been used by more than 100,000 grapplers to improve their … [Read more...]