Just the other day I shared four counters to a pesky deep cross-collar grip from closed guard.
Well, the cross-collar grip isn’t the only way your opponent might try to destroy your posture…
There’s another posture-breaking grip that can be just as bad, and unlike the cross-collar this one can be used in BJJ, MMA and submission grappling. Gi and no gi.
And if you try to get out of it the wrong way you’re totally setting yourself up to get submitted…
This other grip is the overhook.
If you’re caught in the overhook your opponent has wrapped his left arm around your right arm, holding it tight and making it very difficult for you to posture up. With the gi he also has the option to grab onto your far lapel with the overhooking hand, which makes the position even harder to escape.
The grip, some of the dangers, and my favorite 3 1/2 ways to counter it are in the Youtube video at the bottom of this post.
The first two techniques can be used by anyone. The ones after that are pretty sneaky; verging on stinking Jedi mind tricks in fact.
Check out 3 1/2 Tricks to Defend Against the Overhook in the BJJ Closed Guard in the video below. Your guard passing game may thank me!
P.S. If you want a template to help you learn BJJ as fast as possible, including how to pass the guard and how to attack and defend from all the major positions, go here to download my book A Roadmap for BJJ for free.