The X Guard is one of my very favorite ‘go to’ positions. If I can get there in a match then I’m suddenly a very happy camper…
In fact, this position is so dominant that you should be able to sweep your opponent at least 80% of the time when you get him jacked up into the X Guard.
But people make a lot of mistakes when they try to use this open guard position. Mistakes that absolutely cripple the effectiveness of the X Guard…
That’s why I put together a short video on Youtube talking about the the three most common errors people make when using the X Guard, and how to fix them.
In this video I also share my single best training tip for incorporating the X Guard into your game.
It’s only 5:29 long, but it’s full of the stuff that I wish someone had showed me when I started playing with this position. That’s why I’m pretty sure it could speed up your X Guard learning curve by several months!
Click here to see the same YouTube video of the 3 Most Common Errors in the X Guard.